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Blizna niech się schowa!

Chirurgiczna korekcja blizn

Discover a painless way to beautiful and smoother skin. In most cases, I am able to correct the scar in less than an hour, and you can enjoy the look you are most comfortable with.

International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

Chirurgiczne usuwanie blizn polega na ich zaawansowanej korekcji

Wyobraź sobie życie, w którym patrząc w lustro, widzisz przede wszystkim siebie. Dzięki chirurgicznej korekcji blizn, takie życie staje się codziennością moich pacjentów.

Minął czas, gdy musiałeś pogodzić się z tym, jak wyglądają w tym momencie Twoje blizny. Choć nie da się ich całkowicie usunąć, jesteśmy w stanie znacząco zmniejszyć ich widoczność i ukryć je.

Każdy zabieg jest przeprowadzany z precyzją, zapewniając najlepsze możliwe efekty. Doświadczenie to największa siła w walce z bliznami!

Wskazania do zabiegu

  • Twoje blizny są duże i bardzo widoczne
  • Uważasz je za nieestetyczne
  • Przeszkadzają Ci w normalnym funkcjonowaniu, ograniczają Twoje ruchy
  • Czujesz dyskomfort, ból i świąd w ich obrębie

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • Aktywne infekcje lub choroby skóry w obrębie planowanej operacji
  • Nieleczone: choroby serca, choroby układu krążenia, nadczynność tarczycy, cukrzyca

Duration of treatment:

30 minutes


Minimally invasive


Local or general

Removal of scar tissue

The procedure involves excision of scar tissue. The wound is then precisely sutured to allow a new, thinner and less visible scar to form.

Greater mobility

Plastyka Z i W polegają na wykonaniu szeregów wycięć w obrębie blizny, co po przeszyciu skóry daje efekt mniejszej widoczności blizny i lepszego wpasowania jej w naturalne linie i fałdy skóry. Dzięki temu zmniejszone zostaje również naciągnięcie skóry, co poprawia komfort pacjentów.

Te procedury są szczególnie pomocne w przypadku przykurczy oraz blizn po oparzeniach.

Skin transplantation and flap surgery

Przeszczep skóry polega na pobraniu fragmentu zdrowej skóry z jednej części ciała (zwanej miejscem dawczym) i przeniesieniu go na obszar, z którego wcześniej usunięto bliznę.

Operacja płata jest procesem bardziej zaawansowanym. Obejmuje przeszczep skóry wraz z tkanką tłuszczową, naczyniami krwionośnymi, a czasami także mięśniami.

Te metody są nieocenione w przypadku dużych blizn i przykurczów.

How does the procedure work?

Ekspert o dużym międzynarodowym doświadczeniu

With practice in Poland, Switzerland, Germany, South Korea and Australia, I have experience in treating a wide range of cases. When it comes to your health, there is no room for compromise.

potwierdzone przez ekspertów

During his time on fellowship in Perth, I have had the privilege of collaborating with Dr Gladysz on a number of complex plastic surgical cases, and I can confidently attest to his exceptional medical expertise, professionalism, and compassionate patient care.
Dr Gladysz possesses good communication skills, ensuring that patients are well-informed and comfortable throughout the entire treatment process. His dedication to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest advancements in plastic surgery is evident in his commitment to professional development and attendance at conferences and workshops. I would not hesitate to recommend Dr Gladysz as a competent and skilled plastic surgeon.

Lip Teh, MD, FRACS

I have worked closely with Dr. Mateusz Gladysz during his time as a fellow in Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. I know him as a responsible surgeon who takes care of his patients, not only in the operating room but making sure the pre- and postoperative process goes as smoothly as possible. He is an excellent and meticulous surgeon with a wide area of expertise in plastic and reconstructive surgery and is able to handle complex cases. Besides these skills, he is a pleasure to work with. I would happily recommend him to any patient or any future colleague.

Max F. Madu, MD, PhD, FEBOPRAS

FAQ – Patients often ask about this.

What results can be expected from the surgery?

The therapy removes the scar in its entirety or significantly reduces its visibility. It improves patient comfort by increasing mobility within scars and reducing skin tension.

Is one treatment enough to reduce a scar?

It depends on the specific case, the type of scar, the treatment method chosen and the individual response of the body. Scar correction can end with a single treatment or take many months or even years if they require multiple treatments.

How long does it take to recover from surgery?

Recovery takes several weeks to several months. This time depends on the individual case and whether the patient follows the surgeon’s instructions. Many patients experience relief from pain immediately after surgery.

Can scar therapy be used for any skin type?

The therapy is safe for all skin types, but darker skin tones require special care to avoid hyperpigmentation.

How to prepare for the procedure?

The surgeon always gives detailed preoperative recommendations during the consultation. The most important of these are: smoking cessation, maintaining optimal weight and physical fitness. Additional tests, discontinuing certain medications before surgery or taking antibiotics before surgery may also be necessary.

What complications can occur as a result of surgery?

Possible complications include: allergic reaction, bleeding, infection, hematoma formation, lack of expected results and return of scarring. An experienced surgeon is able to minimize the risk of complications to a minimum.

How is the recovery after scar correction?

The specialist, depending on the treatment method you choose, will give you detailed instructions for recovery. Most importantly, you should avoid exposure to the sun, due to the risk of burning, worsening the appearance of the scar and prolonging the healing process. You should also make sure your skin is properly moisturized and cared for. It may be necessary to take medication to promote healing and protect against infection.

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